Code of Ethics for Elder Mediators

EMIN aims to promote Elder Mediation and inspire excellence in its practice throughout the world. Our Code of Ethics for Elder Mediators has a key role to play in educating people about Elder Mediation and ensuring the highest ethical and professional standards in our work. Our goal is to have the Code translated into as many languages as possible so that families throughout the world can find out about and benefit from Elder Mediation. To date the Code has been translated from English into French, German and Mandarin. It is a living document which is under frequent scrutiny to ensure that it remains responsive to the needs of seniors worldwide.

Elder Mediation is a dynamic field of practice that is growing and developing in different jurisdictions throughout the world. The EMIN Code of Ethics (the Code) has been, and continues to be, informed by the knowledge and experience of mediators, individuals and organisations working with issues of ageing in different jurisdictions and cultures. In these challenging times, there is a great need for skilled, person-centred support for individuals, families and care providers to constructively address issues and/or concerns so as to enhance the quality of life and wellness of the older person(s), while respecting the needs of each participant.

 – Margaret Bouchier, Chairperson, EMIN Ethics Committee, March 2021

Note: The tenth edition (March 2021) of the EMIN Code of Ethics for Elder Mediators is the current version of the Code in English. We are awaiting updated translations of the Code in other languages. This version of the EMIN Code reflects the upcoming role of the SVA Guidelines in Elder Mediation Practice and minor amendments to its definitions section to ensure consistency, as appropriate, with the definitions set out in the SVA Guidelines.

A noter: La cinquième édition (juin 2015) du Code de déontologie est la version actuelle du Code en anglais. Nos attendons une mise à jour de la traduction française du Code.

Mitteilung: Die fünfte Fassung (Juno 2015) des EMIN Verhaltenskodex für die Berufsausübung als Elder Mediator ist die aktuelle Fassung des Kodex in Englisch. Wir warten auf eine aktualisierte Neufassung der Berufsregeln in deutscher Übersetzung.

现行英文版EMIN 老年调解员道德准则为2015 年6月更新的第五版。该道德准则的其他语言版本正在翻译中。

Code of Ethics for Elder Mediators – English (Revised March 2021)

Code of Ethics for Elder Mediators – French  (Revised September 2018)

Code of Ethics for Elder Mediators – German

Code of Ethics for Elder Mediators – Mandarin