Dear Member,
I trust that you and your loved ones are keeping well and safe in these unusual times.  While the future looks more hopeful thanks to vaccinations, these are still challenging times for people and families dealing with issues of ageing and, indeed, for mediators looking to help people navigate a way through these difficult issues.
This is to let you know that the AGM (for 2020) of the Elder Mediation International Network (EMIN) will be held on Thursday May 27th at 11.00 (Irish and British time) – you need to check what that corresponds to in your local time. The meeting will be brief and will be a review of 2020, as well as formally confirming the Directors and Auditors for the coming year.
If you wish to participate in the AGM (which will be held using Zoom), please respond to this post via my email address below, as we will need to provide you with a Zoom invitation in advance.
Best wishes
Brian O’Neill (Chair)