Research & Publications

English | German


ACH Group Planning Ahead Guide: An information guide for older people and their Families.  Aged Care & Housing Group Inc.

Beauchamp, Tom L., Childress, James F.:Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Oxford University Press

Bertschler, John & Patricia (2009). Elder Mediation. Northcoast Conflict Solutions LLC.

Bourke, Nancye (2005). Facing Age: A Practical Guide for Families. Exisle Publishing.

Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. Advance Care Planning Workbook.

Carroll, Robyn & Smith, Anita (2010) Mediation in Guardianship Proceedings for the Elderly: An Australian Perspective. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice,  Vol. 28, No. 1, p. 53, 2010.

Craig, Yvonne Joan (1997). Elder Abuse and Mediation: Exploratory Studies in America, Britain and Europe. Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Craig, Yvonne Joan (1998) Advocacy, Counselling and Mediation in Casework: Processes of Empowerment. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Cress, Cathy Jo (2012). Handbook of Geriatric Care Management. Jones & Bartlett LLC.

Dubler, Nancy Neveloff, Liebman, Carol B.:Bioethics Mediation: A Guide to Shaping Shared Solutions, Vanderbilt University Press

Edgar, Patricia (2013). In Praise of Ageing. The Text Publishing Company.

Fisher, Linda & Mieke Brandon (2012). Mediating with Families. (3rd edition) Pyrmont, NSW Thomson Reuters.

Folbre, Nancy & Bittman, Michael (2004). Family time: The Social Organization of Care. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).

Kardasis, Arline, Larsen, Rikk, Thorpe, Crystal & Trippe, Blair (2011). Mom Always Liked You Best: A Guide for Resolving Family Feuds, Inheritance Battles & Eldercare Crises. Agreement Resources LLC.

Kosberg, Jordan I. & Garcia, Juanita L. (2013) Elder Abuse: International and Cross-Cultural. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).

Kraemer, Kenneth.:The Sacred Art of Dying: How World Religions Understand Death, Paulist Press International U.S.

Lebow, Grace & Kane, Barbara (1999). Coping With Your Difficult Older Parent: A Guide for Stressed-Out Children. Avon Books, Inc.

Lewis, Rodney (2011). Elder Law in Australia. LexisNexis Butterworths.

Marcell, Jacqueline (2001). Elder Rage: How to Survive Caring for Aging Parents. Impressive Press.

Marcus, Leonard J., Dorn Barry C.:Renegotiating Health Care: Resolving Conflict to Build Collaboration,  John Wiley and Sons Ltd

McCann-Beranger, Judith (2012). Exploring the Role of Elder Mediation in the Prevention of Elder Abuse: Final Report. Department of Justice Canada.

McCann-Beranger, Judith (2014). A Caregiver’s Guide for Alzheimer and Related Diseases 3rd edition. RetroMedia Publishing.

Navarro, Maria Carmen & Miraflor, Norma (2013). The Challenges of Ageing: Reaching Self-awareness, Acceptance & Contentment. Media Masters.

Soden, Anne (2005). Advising the Older ClientLexisNexis.

Solie, David (2004). How to say it to Seniors. Prentice Hall Press.

Tew, Philip & Hubble, Nick (2013). Ageing, Narrative and Identity: New Qualitative Social Research. Palgrave Macmillan.

Winch, Sarah (2013) Best Death Possible: A Guide to Dying in Australia.

Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman & Miller, Ronald (2014). From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A Revolutionary Approach to Growing Old. Grand Central Publishing.


Association for Conflict Resolution (July 2012). Elder Care and Elder 

Association for Conflict Resolution (July 2012). Working with Older Persons in Mediation: Diversity Training Objectives and Commentary.  

Association for Conflict Resolution (July 2012). Mediation in the Long-Term Care Setting: Training Objectives and Commentary

Association for Conflict Resolution (July 2012). Guidelines for Eldercaring Coordination.

Bagshaw, D., Wendt, S & Zannettino, L. (September 2009). Preventing the Abuse of Older People by their Family Members. Stakeholder Paper 7, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearing House.

Bagshaw Dale, Wendt Sarah, Zannettino Lana and Adam, Valerie (2013). Financial abuse of older people by family members: The views and experiences of older Australians and their family members. Australian Social Work, Vol 66, Number 1, March, pages 86-103.

Barry, Lise “Elder Mediation”, Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, No. 24, November 2013, , Page 251.

Boodman, Sandra G. Elder-Care Mediators Help Resolve Feuds. The Washington Post, December 14, 2010, page E05.

Braun, Joan. Elder mediation: Promising Approaches and Potential Pitfalls.

Burg, H, (2014). Mediation Can Help Bridge the Family Divide Created by an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis.

Carroll, Robyn & Smith, Anita Mediation in Guardianship Proceedings for the Elderly: An Australian Perspective. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice (2010), p 53.

Cooper-Gordon LLP (2010). Mediating Inter-Generational Disputes.

Dooley, Avril (November 2010). Elder Mediation Pilot Project. Mediator’s Institute of Ireland Newsletter.

Ellin, Abby (May 2015). Strengthening Troubled Sibling Bonds to Deal With an Aging Parent.

Foxman, Barbara, Mariani, Kathryn & Mathes, Michele (2009). A mediator’s ethical responsibility in elder mediation: What is at stake? ACResolution, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 3-8.

Gardiner, Paul, Byrne, Gerard, Mitchell, Leander & Pachan, Nancy (2015). Financial capacity in older adults: a growing concern for clinicians.

Gleckman, Howard (December 7, 2011). Occupy Elder Care: Why Caregivers are Bad Advocates. Forbes Magazine.

Hamilton Jack & Seaman, Elizabeth (2000). Between Aging Parents and Adult Children.

Harnett, Helen (2016). EMIN: The Quality Mark in Elder Mediation. Journal Perspektive Mediation 1-16

McCann-Beranger, Judy (2010). Elder Mediation—Changing the Face of Senior Healthcare. Mediators’ Institute of Ireland, Bulletin (Feb/2010).

Radford Mary F. (2002). Is the Use of Mediation Appropriate in Adult Guardianship Cases?

Skinner, Alexandria (2010). An Introduction to Elder Mediation, or Mediation in Elder Law Cases.

Van Twisk W. (2010). Elder Mediation: The New Crisis Counseling.

Wood, Erica F. (February 2015). Dispute Resolution and Aging: What Is the Nexus and Where Do We Stand? Bifocal Journal.

Research Studies and Presentations

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2012). Dementia in Australia.

Bagshaw, Dale, Wendt, Sarah & Zannettino, Lana. Our Actions to prevent the abuse of older South Australians. Research-based action plan for the South Australian Office for the Ageing and the Department for Families and Communities. Government of South Australia, November 2007.

Canadian Centre for Elder Law (2012). Elder and Guardianship Mediation. British Columbia Law Institute.

Canadian Nurses Association Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2014). Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Person-Centred, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches.

Crampton , Alexandra  (2013) Elder Mediation in Theory and Practice: Study Results From a National Caregiver Mediation Demonstration Project.

Cahill, Suzanne, O’Shea, Eamon & Pearce, Maria (2012). Creating Excellence in Dementia Care – A Research Review for Ireland’s National Dementia Strategy

Employment and Social Development Canada (2011). Elder Abuse Modules.

Groh, Arlene (2009) Restorative Justice: A Healing Approach to Elder Abuse. Community Care Access Centre of Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada.

HSE ElderAbuse Services, Ireland (2013). Open Your Eyes – There Is No Excuse for Elder Abuse

McCreary, Brooke (2008). Elder Mediation Annotated Resource Library.

Office of the Public Advocate, Australia (2011). Closing the Gaps: Enhancing South Australia’s Response to the Abuse of Vulnerable Older People. 

German Resources


Bonanno, George A. (Hrsg):Die andere Seite der Trauer: Verlustschmerz und Trauma aus eigener Kraft überwinden, Edition sirius

Danneberg Bärbel.:Alter Vogel, flieg!: Tagebuch einer pflegenden Tochter, Promedia

Docekal Ulrike, Zapletal, Ilse:Der Pflege-Ratgeber: Pflegeheim – 24-Stunden-Betreuung – Sachwalterschaft – Vorsorgevollmacht (Ausgabe Österreich), Linde Verlag

Jünemann, E. & Langer, K.:Wenn die Freiheit in die Jahre kommt: Zehn sozialethische Impulse für den Umgang mit alten Menschen, Erkelenz 2014/15

Kast, Verena.:Trauern: Phasen und Chancen des psychischen Prozesses. Kreuz Verlag

Langfeldt-Nagel Maria,Gesprächsführung in der Altenpflege,  Verlag Reinhardt

Schneider, Cordula.:Gewalt in Pflegeeinrichtungen: Erfahrungen von Pflegenden, Schlütersche

Tropper, D. & Specht-Tomann, M.:Zeit des Abschieds – Sterbe- und Trauerbegleitung, Patmos Verlag


Becker St.: Unbewusste Altersbilder und ihr Einfluss auf die Kommunikation in der Mediation, perspektive mediation 2011/4, 185ff.

Hinterseer G.: Generationenübergang in landwirtschaftlichen Familienbetrieben,  perspektive mediation 2011/4, 176ff

Krabbe H.: Elder Mediation – Mediation mit älteren Paaren, perspektive mediation 2011/4, 181ff.

Martin G.: Entwicklungsgewinne im Alter: unschätzbarer Mehrwert in der Mediation, perspektive mediation 2011/4, 189ff.

Peter-Egger G.: Elder Mediation Studie Kanada, perspektive mediation 2011/4, 170ff.

Pruckner, M.: Bioethische Mediation, perspektive mediation 02/2013, 94ff.

Pruckner M.: Essen und Trinken im Alter. Rechtliche, ethische und kultursensible Aspekte, in Jünemann, E. & Langer, K.: Wenn die Freiheit in die Jahre kommt. Zehn sozialethische Impulse für den Umgang mit alten Menschen. Ein Lehr- und Lesebuch für die Praxis. Erkelenz 2014/15, 181ff.

Pruckner M.: Freiheit und Kommunikation. Vom Auto-Nomos zum Dialog, in Jünemann, E. & Langer, K.: Wenn die Freiheit in die Jahre kommt. Zehn sozialethische Impulse für den Umgang mit alten Menschen. Ein Lehr- und Lesebuch für die Praxis. Erkelenz 2014/15, 263ff.

Pruckner M.: Health & Social Care Mediation, mediation aktuell 03/2012, 17ff.

Pruckner, M.: Mediation in der ambulanten Pflege und Betreuung, in: Pühl H. (Hrsg.): Mut zur Lösung. Konflikte in Klinik, Praxis und Altenpflege. Leutner 2012, 78ff.

Wolfersdorf M. (2008). Suizidalität. Der Nervenarzt S. 1ff